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Legal News in Minnesota

Minors’ Consent for Health Care

In Minnesota the general rule is that minors may not receive health care services without their parents’ or guardians’ consent.  There are some important exceptions to this rule.  A minor may consent for medical, mental, or other health services for the following:

  • to determine the presence or treatment of pregnancy and conditions associated with pregnancy;
  • for sexually transmitted infections;
  • for alcohol or other drug abuse;
  • to receive a hepatitis B vaccination; and
  • blood donation (if the minor is over 17).

There are also special rules relating to minors giving consent for the care of their own children, minors voluntarily entering a facility for observation or treatment of mental illness or chemical dependency, and for minors who are living apart from their parents and managing their own financial affairs.

If you have any questions about this topic, contact Will Partridge at Farrish Johnson Law Office at 507-625-2525